Our aim is to give the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness to the members of the consortium to help them in reaching their objectives.

The mission of the Colibri consortium consists in the organisation and management of the purchasing of goods and services on the negotiated quantities, through the collective contractual activity with the respective commercial counterparts.

The best purchasing opportunities, relating to the choice of the quality of the products used and the services adopted in the business activity, are suggested and meetings are arranged between members of the consortium and suppliers. Technical assistance, organisational, commercial, administrative, marketing, communication, promotional and publicity services are offered as well as professional training and development in all areas of managerial importance.

The work carried out allows the menbers of the consortium to focus on the personalised cure of the end user from the point of view of health care, welfare, rehabilitation and socio-medical assistance, all within the state healthcare systen and with maximum integration with public programming. In this way optimum efficiency can be reached for both young and old patients and the maximum independence.

Here's a list of some of the values and commitments of consortium members:

  • We deliver services of general interest linked to health and well being: our mission is to look after the end user in a personalised manner from the point of view of healthcare, welfare, rehabilitation and socio medical assistance, within the state system and maximum integration with public programming.
  • We are dedicated to achieving maximum efficiency, also in the professional sphere, for both young and old patients and offering as much independence as possible for the more elderly patients.
  • We take into consideration and evaluate a variety of factors linked to inability and subsequent pathologies with the aim of reaching the best possible results in the formulation and activation of projects and rehabilitation programmes, healthcare and assistance, working with multidisciplinary teams.
    The overall evaluation of the general conditions of our users is a fundamental characteristic of our work, with the aim of guranteeing the highest level of care and well being possible for our patients and their families.
  • Medical expertise, teamwork, comfortable surroundings, the quality of care, the preparation and courtesy of all our personnel are essential prerequisites of our work.
  • We aim to be an important partner in the network of health and socio medical services, collaborating and working with institutions in the region.
  • Institutional accreditation is fundamental for our health and socio medical facilities as offer our services on behalf of and within the national health system.
  • We work to guarantee the highest possible standards in relation to various types of risk to which our patients and colaborators can be subjected to.
  • In our healthcare facilities the professionalism and behaviour of individual personnel is a key component which impacts on the quality of the services offered. For this reason we pay constant attention to ongoing development, involvement and teamwork.

The Colibri hospital consortium was formed in September 2009. The name of the consortium reflects the idea of lightness and speed that are the main characteristics of this organisation. Lightness as in the efficiently run facilities and low costs and speed as the capacity to rapidly adapt to every type of change. Today Colibri represents 23 working facilities in the sector of healthcare and social services.


The Colibri Hospital consortium was formed in the September of 2009 between the companies of Villa Ranuzzi, Villa Bellombra, Villa Serena and the Santa Viola private hospital. At the end of 2009 the nursing home Al Colli also became part of the consortium.


Villa Giulia and the S.Anna and S.Caterina rest home joined the consortium.


Clincadomicilio and Società Dolce joined.


At the beginning of 2015 Villa Igea, the Villa Serena private hospital of Forli, Villa Igea of Modena and Villa Pineta joined.


During 2016 the outpatient clinic Dalla Rosa Prati, DomusNova S.p.a. and the Maria Luigia hospital joined.


The Foundation ANT (Italian anti tumour association).


The nursing home Cura Madre Fortunata Toniolo (Bologna) and the homes for old people Villa Sorriso (Modena) and Sacra Famiglia (Bologna).


Two new facilities join: Gruppo Essepienne and the outpatient clinic Corcovado-Descovich (Bologna).


New facility join: Villa Baruzziana (Bologna).


New facility join: Farmacia Cooperativa (Bologna).


New facility join: Villa Paola (Bologna).




milion euros 
of turnover




hospital beds

Cav. Rag. Lorenzo Orta

Non-executive President

Cav. Lav. Dott. Averardo Orta

Chief Executive Officer

Cav. Ing. Claudia Sabatini


Dott. Giuliano Barigazzi 

Strategic consulting

Dott. Roberto Piperno

Scientific director

Dott. Luca Boschiero


Dott. Enrico Branzanti


Dott.ssa Veronica Locatelli


Mario Arfeo


Beatrice Baroncini


Margherita Buscaroli

Training Office

Dott.ssa Fernanda Anna Maria Ventura

Healthcare coordination and government continuous training

In order to better evaluate their social and economic role in the community, Colibrì's structures have decided to realize the aggregated Social Report by joining their efforts to measure and represent in a unitary way the main social and economic effects deriving from their work.

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